Capilla del Señor, the city of our Estancia

Capilla del Señor is a city located in the northeast center of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, which has 9244 inhabitants and is the head city of Exaltación de la Cruz.

Its territory is an extensive plain, with few and smooth undulations, furrowed by small streams. The formation of the town of Capilla del Señor, dates back to the middle of the 18th century. when in consecuense of the new church, (erected to replace an old family oratory) began the subdivision and sale of plots of land in the estancia belonging to the Casco de Mendoza.

Throughout more than two centuries of evolution, Capilla del Señor has maintained the harmony of the urban space and a welcoming local atmosphere. Capilla del Señor offers three main attractions: the town, its rural surroundings and the people. Time was molding it with its own spirit, preserving many traditions and peculiarities of the rural areas of Buenos Aires. Its built heritage is constituted by the sum of its natural and urban landscape and although it is true that it did not have a high-level architectural production, domestic architecture originated homogeneous sets and pleasant sites that are part of its collective memory.
The rural environment gives Capilla del Señor a special charm. Its landscape of undulating lands, where we can see eucalyptus, paradises and willows trees, is another of its charms. The presence of tambos, haras and chacras are added to the delight of the landscape. The residents of Capilla del Señor are friendly, supportive people, where everyone knows each other and enjoys their time in long talks on the sidewalks or in a café. They transmit their customs from generation to generation.

Capilla del Señor was the first town to be declared of national historical interest and today it is one of the most authentic tourist destinations in the province, since it knew how to preserve not only its original architecture, but also its way of life. If you are planning to visit Argentina, you cannot miss getting to know this magical place, stayed in the old time.

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