A Estancia day in Argentina

The first estancias and chacras (smaller farms than estancias), appeared in Argentina in the 16th century, during the Spanish colonization. The conquistadores and explorers were rewarded, by the grace of royal concessions, with very large pieces of land called suertes (lucky).

They accepted those lands as a reward, a “payment” for their efforts. From that word comes the term “pagos” commonly used nowadays by Argentinians to mention their place or town of origin.

Nowadays, many estancias are still working all around Argentina. Especially around Capilla del Señor, there are some of the oldest estancias of the country. Indeed, some of them opened their doors to travelers a few years ago, allowing them to discover the rich customs and traditions of the campo Argentino for one day or an overnight stay.

Argentina Polo Day is located at the heart of Capilla del Señor, only 50 minutes away from the city. Owned of a beautiful estancia open for everyone who would like to learn more about Argentina.

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